Friday, November 6, 2009

Six Months and Crawling...backwards!

On October 29th, Gracelyn turned six months old. It's hard to believe that we are halfway to the one year mark. A little unnerving and yet it is such exciting times for our sweet girl. She is learning something new literally everyday. A couple weeks ago she started sitting up independently from lying on her belly. She just tucks her little feet up under her and scoots her tushy back. Trent and I both got to witness this grand accomplishment the first time. Every time we applaud Gracelyn she beams with pride and shows the best smile. Lately, she has begun to lengthen her trip to her bum by crawling backwards for several strides before finally making it on her bottom. This means the girl is making it to every corner of the room now. She is on the brink of crawling forward but for now she reaches as far as she can and ends up on her belly. She enjoys pulling up on her crib and while holding onto our hands. I love how she throws her hands in the air when she playing and reaches out with her palm up like she is trying to wave. My favorite new thing is the most delightful squeal that she makes. She's just plain happy and it shows with every high-pitched squeal. I am anxious to see her stats when we go back for WBC in a couple weeks. It's been almost three months since we've had her weighed and measured. My arms can attest that she is growing but mostly in length and not so much in chub. I think she might be tall like her Daddy and Aunt Joni.

Sleeping arrangements have continued to be an issue, although for now, we have an arrangement that seems to be working well for all of us. After several nights of attempting to keep Gracelyn in her crib and surviving the torture of hours of crying (one night of two 1/2 hours of it), we stumbled upon a new approach. One night about three weeks ago she finally fell asleep on a sleeping bag on the floor in our living room. It was such a relief to see her sleeping somewhere other than our arms that we almost left her there for the night. Instead, we decided to transfer her on the sleeping bag onto the floor in our bedroom. Unexpectedly, the girl slept all night! And each night since she has done very well. We can lay next to her for just a couple minutes on the floor if she wakes up when she put her down and this immediately settles her. When she wakes to eat, which is now back to once (most nights), I can lay next to her and catch some rest and then return to our bed once she is settled again. It's so much better than struggling to find comfort while upright in her room. I don't know if she likes to hear us breathing or finds comfort in our smell but I am so thankful that she have found relief at night...for now.

Over the past few weeks, she has been going through a major mama stage where she would whine or cry when I left her sight even for a moment and wanted to be held often. It is difficult for many reasons...sometimes it is just plain tiring, it's hard to get things done around the house when she isn't content with anything but being in my arms and yet at the same time it's hard not to hold her all day and just sit on the couch watching TV. However, in the past week, she seems to have had a shift in this and is much more content. I wonder if she started having a little more anxiety with her new mobility and just needed a little more reassurance that mommy would still be around even if she started exploring more. I am still learning her and need some much Godly wisdom in knowing how to best respond and train her. What a big task!

Here's her six month shot...notice the paper has to be out of her sight, otherwise, it is in her mouth.

Trying to enjoy the outdoors even when it's chilly.

Pulling up

Pumpkin Patch in Liberty

Exploring with her new friend, Joel McCall, who is getting ready to have a new baby sister.

Her best friend, Charleigh Ford. They still are a little oblivious to each other but will be playing together before we know it.

We traveled to Salisbury on Halloween weekend. Here's Sarah as a candy corn getting ready to play in the marching band...what!! She's growing way too fast.

This is just odd but funny!

Steven in the this picture.