Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's been an eventful couple of weeks. With VBS one week and a trip to Beaumont the next, I haven't had much time to blog. But I did take alot of pictures. And I did register many memories that unless I write down, they will be out of my mind before I know it.

First, I want to remind myself of how precious it was to watch Trent and Gracelyn reunite after almost six days and five nights apart. Once we got home and settled in, Trent walked around with Gracelyn in his arms with her face up against his chest. She usually settles in that place when she is going to sleep. But this time she was wide awake and stayed there without moving for at least half an hour. I could tell that Trent loved every minute of it as well. Trent also told me that every morning at 5am he would wake up, expecting to hear her cry (that's his usual shift to change her diaper and bring her to mama in bed). Every night while we were away he slept with the computer playing KLOVE on the internet radio. It was just too quiet and lonely without us home to sleep. We were missing him just as much.

Secondly, I want to recall all the precious memories made with my family while in Beaumont. I was so excited for the Goebel family to meet Gracelyn for the first time. Mom and Jamie picked us up from the airport. Seeing Jamie with Gracelyn reminded me of watching her with her own children when they were babies. She is such a tender woman of God. Just a few hours later, Ashton and Emma walked into the door of mom and dad's house to meet her. We were all anticipating the moment and it just so happened that they came in while I was feeding Gracelyn. I think they got a little more than they were expecting :) but before long they were all bonding and holding her. Gracelyn loved to watch them and she studied them more than I have seen her with anyone else. On Sunday afternoon while the guys slept, all the girls were in our room dressing Gracelyn and reading books and making precious memories. Ashton and Emma just kept saying "Gracie is just so cute!" and I think Gracelyn was thinking "My cousins are just so cool!" I can't wait until they get to spend more time together.
I also enjoyed the morning times with mom. Mornings are Gracelyn's best times and mom got to witness all her morning time coos and smiles and giggles. They spent lots of time just chatting with one another, singing songs and learning how to whisper (a valuable lesson that will benefit church hour).
I loved spending time at the Goebels on Tuesday afternoon. We got to go swimming! I haven't been in the water all summer and it's something that I have been craving. Gracelyn even took a dip for a while and seemed to really like it. I was so proud of my waterbaby. Paul and Daddy worked hard on dinner--hamburgers and onion rings and awesome blueberry cobbler. And then we had a blast playing games.
I got to spend some time with friends on Monday. I hadn't seen many of them for a long time and it was much overdue. It was great to catch up and enjoy their company. I always laugh alot when I am with them. One of my favorite memories was when Brooklyn (Lindsey's precious daughter) was so intrigued by breastfeeding that she asked at least two dozen questions that all included the word "chee-chees." It was very entertaining for us and informative for her.
The flights to and fro went very smoothly overall. Gracelyn decided to poop both ways on the long flight and once it ended up all up her back (exactly what I was hoping would NOT happen.) But the nice man next to me informed me that there was a pull down changing tray in the airplane bathroom. I think everyone around me was just as relieved to know this as I was. Gracelyn didn't seem to have any trouble with her ears and slept most of the way.
Overall, it was an awesome trip and I look forward to doing it again with Trent around Christmas!

Now just a few changes that I have seen in Gracelyn over the past couple weeks. She is starting to reach for things. We have started reading many books with touch elements and she has since been very eager to touch things around her. Today she sat in her rocker while I took a shower and when I was done I noticed that she was playing with the bird at her side. She was touching it intentionally for several minutes. When she is awake she is very bright eyed and ready to soak in the world around her. She has even started watching Baby Einstein videos and makes all kinds of joyful noises in the process. Last night, Gracelyn slept her longest stretch yet-- seven hours! I woke up at 2:45 in a bit of a panic (like many parents have told me about) realizing that she hadn't woken up yet. Most nights she is ready to eat after 3-4 hours. I looked at the video monitor and she was gone! I glanced over at Trent to make sure he was next to me and he didn't have her. I looked again and saw a little finger fly across the corner of the screen. So my next thought was that she had accidentally knocked the camera to face a different angle. Sure enough, the little squirt had wiggled her way down the crib out of view and had her little legs through the slats of the crib. I gently untangled her and she slept for another hour. I, of course, didn't sleep a bit in that hour. I tried so hard but found myself just watching her sleep in the monitor. In the past I have heard nursing moms say that they kind of miss those middle of the night feedings and I thought they were crazy. But now, I have a little glimpse of what they are talking about. I was just a little sad that she could go so long without needing me :)

Thank you God for my family!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Catching Up

When I started blogging, I had hoped to post at least once a week. I have such a poor memory and I didn’t want to get too far behind. So, now I will try to catch up about some of the highlights of the past two and half weeks without making it too long. I'll just post a bunch of pictures and explain as I go.

Trent was fortunate enough to travel to the Boston area for a friend's funeral. He was gone for a little over 24 hours and it meant spending our first night apart since Gracelyn was born. Instead of staying home alone, I ended up spending the night at Brad and Monica's house. It was a much better way to spend my time away from Trent. It's always a blast to chill with the Gautney gang.

The Hopester


Auntie "Mo"

Kado at the pool

Gracie's first visit to the pool, spent hanging in the shade with her mama

Sweet Kado enjoying the camera so much that he jumps in front of it with each of Monica's attempts to get a pic of Gracelyn and me

Almost every time that Gracelyn goes to sleep with her daddy, she nestles her face in his armpit. We have to check her breathing hole every time.

Friends at the hospital -- Shelli and Elaine (who took my position as social worker)

Hospital baby shower cake

Getting ready for the shower. Before the end of the shower, Gracelyn exploded in her pants so much that poop ended up between her shoulder blades. I attempted to wash this polka dot onesie that I love, but it ended up in the trash when it came out of the dryer with massive yellow stains.

I love how her paci is crooked

Daddy reading his new book with Gracelyn. It's called The Daddy Mountain and a little red headed girl takes on the adventure of climbing all the way up to her daddy's head. Unless Gracelyn ends up with my fear of heights, I think she will love to climb up her daddy.

Gracelyn's first immunizations at her two month check up. I think Trent had a harder time than the baby. He was seriously filling up with tears when she got her shots. He's such a sweetie.

Then I had my 28th birthday and got a new camera. I absolutely love it and hope you can see the difference in the rest of the pictures.

I love that her belly button is showing.

Reading the paper with daddy

Gracelyn somehow flipped her paci while sleeping in her crib and was sucking on the opposite end.

Birthday dinner at Papa's....

with our best friends, Jared and Sarah, who are expecting their baby in just about 9 weeks!

Enjoying her tongue while lying in her crib

She is in love with her crib mobile. She smiles and coos when it starts to sing and when her butterflies fly in a circle. The other morning she literally started yelling at the butterflies when they stopped. We wound the mobile again and instantly she started smiling again.

Just enjoying our new camera

Gracelyn has started blowing bubbles.

Her crazy hair after waking up from a nap.

This week Gracelyn has moved into 3-6 month PJ's because of the need for more length. It seems like she is stretching out longer each hour! At her two month appointment, she weighed 10 lbs 13 oz and was 22 3/4 inches.

On the 4th of July, we spent time with friends and then were able to see the Willhites. Here are the Willhite kids loving on our girl.

We spent the day at Brad and Gwynne's house where we ate tons of good food. They are more good friends and are expecting a baby in 4 weeks!

Just a funny picture of Gracelyn crying when waking up.

She just looks so long to me. And so stinkin cute!

I love our baby girl!