When I started blogging, I had hoped to post at least once a week. I have such a poor memory and I didn’t want to get too far behind. So, now I will try to catch up about some of the highlights of the past two and half weeks without making it too long. I'll just post a bunch of pictures and explain as I go.
Trent was fortunate enough to travel to the Boston area for a friend's funeral. He was gone for a little over 24 hours and it meant spending our first night apart since Gracelyn was born. Instead of staying home alone, I ended up spending the night at Brad and Monica's house. It was a much better way to spend my time away from Trent. It's always a blast to chill with the Gautney gang.

The Hopester


Auntie "Mo"

Kado at the pool

Gracie's first visit to the pool, spent hanging in the shade with her mama

Sweet Kado enjoying the camera so much that he jumps in front of it with each of Monica's attempts to get a pic of Gracelyn and me

Almost every time that Gracelyn goes to sleep with her daddy, she nestles her face in his armpit. We have to check her breathing hole every time.

Friends at the hospital -- Shelli and Elaine (who took my position as social worker)

Hospital baby shower cake

Getting ready for the shower. Before the end of the shower, Gracelyn exploded in her pants so much that poop ended up between her shoulder blades. I attempted to wash this polka dot onesie that I love, but it ended up in the trash when it came out of the dryer with massive yellow stains.

I love how her paci is crooked

Daddy reading his new book with Gracelyn. It's called The Daddy Mountain and a little red headed girl takes on the adventure of climbing all the way up to her daddy's head. Unless Gracelyn ends up with my fear of heights, I think she will love to climb up her daddy.

Gracelyn's first immunizations at her two month check up. I think Trent had a harder time than the baby. He was seriously filling up with tears when she got her shots. He's such a sweetie.
Then I had my 28th birthday and got a new camera. I absolutely love it and hope you can see the difference in the rest of the pictures.

I love that her belly button is showing.

Reading the paper with daddy

Gracelyn somehow flipped her paci while sleeping in her crib and was sucking on the opposite end.

Birthday dinner at Papa's....

with our best friends, Jared and Sarah, who are expecting their baby in just about 9 weeks!

Enjoying her tongue while lying in her crib

She is in love with her crib mobile. She smiles and coos when it starts to sing and when her butterflies fly in a circle. The other morning she literally started yelling at the butterflies when they stopped. We wound the mobile again and instantly she started smiling again.

Just enjoying our new camera
I love ALL of these precious pictures! And I love that you are part of the curly hair club now! It looks great!
Aww thanks!
first- love the new blog look
second- gracie is so adorable! love all the pics of her
third- did the Elaine that took your place at the hospital used to be Elaine McCall?
and finally- i really like your hair permed. looks good on you
Thanks for the compliments and yes, that is Elaine McCall. She is wonderful.
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