Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Father's Day (A Little Late)

Where Is My Daddy?
A Poem from your baby girl, Gracelyn Mae

Where is my daddy?
Here comes the morning sun
I cry out
He runs my way
Seeing him is fun

Where is my daddy?
He’s off to work till three
But when he returns
I’ll soon learn
There’s no where else he’d rather be

Where is my daddy?
Now it’s time to play
He sings me silly songs
Showers me with kisses
“You’re the best,” he’ll say

Where is my daddy?
He’s at my mommy’s side
Holding her closely
Speaking words so sweetly
His love, it will abide

Where is my daddy?
He’s praying to his Savior
Lifting up his family
Each one of us by name
Seeking God’s good favor

Where is my daddy?
He will never, never leave me
Of this I am so sure
Until God calls him home
Safely in his arms I’ll be
I love you and think you are the best husband and father in the world. Thank you for loving us so deeply and leading our family in faith. You make us laugh all the time and I am so grateful for you!

To my daddy:
Thank you for being a Godly example throughout my life. You have left a legacy of faith that we pray will continue for many generations. I have never doubted your love for me and for mom which brought me much security. I hope you know how much I love you. I look forward to seeing you again soon and cherishing all of our time together. I am so thankful for you! I love you, daddy.
To another very influential father:
I can't acknowledge Father's day without mentioning my deep gratitude for Tim Willhite, my husband's deceased father. Although I don't know him personally, his legacy of integrity and conviction for the Father has endured. Trent has followed in his footsteps by becoming a man that resembles his father's heart. Living a good life is never done in vain and Tim, your Godly testimony has survived. Thank you God for my father-in-law.

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Little Too Much Irritability, Not Enough Flexibility and Now a Huge Load of Gratitude

I'll briefly explain the title of my post. Week seven of Gracie's life has been a little bit of a rollercoaster for me. I'll start with the best parts. Trent and I went on date night with Beau & Joni, Chris & Tammy (friends of theirs), and Monica and Gracelyn. We had an awesome time pigging out at Buca Di Beppo and Cheesecake Factory and enjoying a ton of laughs. Then our family of three spent a night in a hotel on the Plaza celebrating Gracie's six week birthday...if you know what I mean. She had an awesome night of sleep and fortunately I was able to catch her waking up before she started her cry for food and hopefully we saved the rest of the hotel guests from waking up too!

The rest of the week was good but I feel like I am still adjusting to this new lifestyle in alot of ways. Some days Grace sleeps all morning long, other days she sleeps away the afternoon. And then we have days like Wednesday when she slept only in my arms for 30 mintues at a time and wasn't content to be anywhere besides my lap. By the time Trent returned home from work, I was quite ready for a break and ready to get off my seat and move. As I lamented about how I didn't get "anything done today," he kindly reminded me that caring for Gracelyn was quite a huge accomplishment. I wasn't a very gracious receiver of this very sweet encouragement in the moment and instead I was feeling down right pitiful for myself that I hadn't spent more time in the world of "productivity." So, my prayers are for patience and a growing flexibility because days spent in Mommyhood are unpredictable at best.

Then yesterday, while I was at the beauty shop getting a perm (yes, I got a perm), I heard about a local family whose two month old baby girl died of SIDS while taking a nap in the middle of the afternoon. Gut-wrenching. So with a new perspective, I am reminded of the gift that life is everyday and am so grateful for each moment that I have with my family. Please keep this family in your prayers as they grieve. I won't even pretend to understand what they must be going through.

On a brighter note, here are some pictures and video clips.

Curly when wet

I think she has started looking more like her daddy this week.

Ok, this is funny. My sweet college friend, Alisa, sent Gracelyn the coolest gift. It's a lamb that has a warm belly (after heating up the pack inside) and he grants the best warm hugs to all who want one. Alisa suspected that Gracelyn might appreciate this more as she gets older. I think she might be right. Here is Lamby attempting to give her a hug.

Here is Gracelyn punching him in the chin.

Here is poor Lamby begging me for help. And Gracelyn is actually calm. Perhaps we are turning a corner. I will gladly give Lamby all the cuddles he needs until Gracelyn is up for it. Thanks Alisa!

Here's a selection of pictures of me and Gracie. Quick note: I noticed that there were a ton of pictures of Gracelyn and Trent since I am usually the one behind the camera. So, I asked Trent if he would start taking more of us. He responded as usual saying, "I never think to pick up the camera." So I said "Whenever you see something that you think is precious, have your next thought be...I should take a picture of this!" I think he thinks we look precious when we sleep. :)

aha...we are awake!


Gracelyn is watching the birds outside.

Now, she is talking to her own bird.

Gracelyn was quite happy and I felt the need to try and capture it with my camera. Please excuse the "pillows" that are the size of her head.

She loves to kick her legs.

She loves to eat her arm.

She really loves her daddy.

And now she has found her toys. She is growing up so quickly!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Weeks 5-6: Getting the Hang of Things

Gracelyn saw the doctor last week for her one month appointment. She weighed 9 pounds 10 ounces and was 21 3/4 inches in length. It is so cool to see her growing before our eyes. Some mornings Trent and I wake up and with just a glance we can see changes in her from the night before. We are so thankful for her good health!

I feel like Gracelyn and I have made several significant strides this week. First, I am so thankful to the Lord that He has given us a rather routine night schedule. Most nights, Gracelyn is nursing around 10:30, up again around 2:00 and then usually joins us in bed for the last "night" feeding at 5:00. Knowing that she will sleep pretty well for a three hour stretch has given me much needed rest. We try to lounge in bed for as long as possible in the mornings, often not getting up until 9 or 10. Just when I was getting overwhelmed at being up so often and at her bedside every time I heard her move, I came across an article on askdrsears.com about infant sleep patterns and REM sleep. I was amazed at how God has designed babies' natural sleep habits for their survival. It confirmed in me that it was best not to turn to those gadgets that promote long periods of deep sleep for infants and that it is not a sign of bad parenting if my baby isn't sleeping through the night at one month old.

Motherhood has been quite fulfilling for me. It is truly a full time job figuring out little Gracie--being sensitive to her cries, anticipating her needs and simply enjoying her learning new things. This week though she threw us for a loop and challenged us with a new cry. Mostly, Grace has cried when she's gassy and needs a good burp and with much practice we have finally gotten more successful at finding just the spot to pat to bring her relief. But on Monday night, she cried like we hadn't heard before and she wouldn't be consoled for any significant period of time unless we were moving just a particular way while standing with her in our arms. Trent and I traded off for several hours and eventually daddy went to town to pick up some medicine. Fortunately by the time he returned, Gracelyn was asleep on her boppy on my lap with a mom who didn't want to breath, lest I wake her up. We still don't quite know why she couldn't settle down to rest but it gave me a little glimpse of what parents might experience with a colicky baby. I have a great new respect for those parents who have to endure the hours on end of inconsolable crying day after day. Gracelyn ended up having a fine night and in fact, the next day, she and I had one of our best days yet. She was happy and slept well while I carried her around the house in my sling doing housework. I was able to unload and load the dishwasher, fold laundry, write thank you cards, pick up around the house and vacuum with her snuggled up near my chest. It reminded me (and I suspect her as well) of the days when she was in the womb. By the way, I love my sling and would highly recommend it. It's a Baby K'Tan sling that I ordered from Target and I was able to do all that work without a sore back or neck. Her weight is supported on both shoulders and it wraps very tightly so I don't have to worry about her falling out.

Trent and I celebrated our three year wedding anniversary on June 3rd. We had dinner out as a couple while Aunt Monica and Grammy watched Gracie. We had an awesome time remembering our favorite highlights of our first years of marriage and dreaming big for the many years to come. You are such a good man, T and I am so happy that you choose to spend your life with me!

We also spent our first night away from home. We slept in the Gautney's basement and had a rather good night's sleep. It was awesome as usual to be in their home hanging with them. Their house is full of peace even among the beautiful sound of children. And we got to hear something wonderful. Kado said Mom!

Today I heard Gracelyn laugh. She was sleeping in my arms and seriously, she started a giggle and then busted out a laugh. She did a shorter version for daddy tonight. I wish I could get into her little brain and see what makes her so happy.

Ok, so I realize that alot of the text above is just details about our week that most people probably wouldn't enjoy reading. But this has turned into a bit of diary for me and so I am documenting those memories that I don't want to forget. There will be many milestones along the way and it's hard to recall when and how they all came about. Here's one more brief memory for my own benefit. Mindy, don't forget the dream that made such an impression...the one with the crazy lady who was OCD and didn't want me to nurse Gracelyn while I had on eye makeup, Gracelyn was put in a mesh covered box on a boppy, her "new family" fed her mexican food at two months old, and Gracie looked at me for rescue and said as plain as day..."Mommy, Jesus is arriving soon, Mommy, Mommy." Dreams are so crazy!

Here are some pictures from the past two weeks. The part almost everyone enjoys!

We both love bath time! Her legs are so strong. She is standing in the sink.

One of her favorite places to be is in her daddy's arms.

I love her lips in this picture.

More Daddy time!

Aunt Joni bought her some super cute outfits. Love the poka dots!

Morning times are so special for us. Good thing Gracelyn looks better than her mama when she wakes up.

These are videos of morning time fun!

Ok, I am slow to learn that when I take video with my camera this direction, everyone has to turn their head to see it correctly. One day I will get it right. But I am so proud of baby Grace for showing off her strong neck.

This is Gracelyn waking up. It takes such effort!