The rest of the week was good but I feel like I am still adjusting to this new lifestyle in alot of ways. Some days Grace sleeps all morning long, other days she sleeps away the afternoon. And then we have days like Wednesday when she slept only in my arms for 30 mintues at a time and wasn't content to be anywhere besides my lap. By the time Trent returned home from work, I was quite ready for a break and ready to get off my seat and move. As I lamented about how I didn't get "anything done today," he kindly reminded me that caring for Gracelyn was quite a huge accomplishment. I wasn't a very gracious receiver of this very sweet encouragement in the moment and instead I was feeling down right pitiful for myself that I hadn't spent more time in the world of "productivity." So, my prayers are for patience and a growing flexibility because days spent in Mommyhood are unpredictable at best.
Then yesterday, while I was at the beauty shop getting a perm (yes, I got a perm), I heard about a local family whose two month old baby girl died of SIDS while taking a nap in the middle of the afternoon. Gut-wrenching. So with a new perspective, I am reminded of the gift that life is everyday and am so grateful for each moment that I have with my family. Please keep this family in your prayers as they grieve. I won't even pretend to understand what they must be going through.
On a brighter note, here are some pictures and video clips.

Curly when wet

I think she has started looking more like her daddy this week.

Ok, this is funny. My sweet college friend, Alisa, sent Gracelyn the coolest gift. It's a lamb that has a warm belly (after heating up the pack inside) and he grants the best warm hugs to all who want one. Alisa suspected that Gracelyn might appreciate this more as she gets older. I think she might be right. Here is Lamby attempting to give her a hug.

Here is poor Lamby begging me for help. And Gracelyn is actually calm. Perhaps we are turning a corner. I will gladly give Lamby all the cuddles he needs until Gracelyn is up for it. Thanks Alisa!

Here's a selection of pictures of me and Gracie. Quick note: I noticed that there were a ton of pictures of Gracelyn and Trent since I am usually the one behind the camera. So, I asked Trent if he would start taking more of us. He responded as usual saying, "I never think to pick up the camera." So I said "Whenever you see something that you think is precious, have your next thought be...I should take a picture of this!" I think he thinks we look precious when we sleep. :)

She loves to kick her legs.
She loves to eat her arm.
She really loves her daddy.
And now she has found her toys. She is growing up so quickly!
Gracie is so bright-eyed and beautiful! I can't believe how fast she is growing and changing. Thanks for sharing it with us. ;-)
Love you!!
love the pictures! and i remember when i had pillows like that. however they have disappeared now! lol
quick question, do you know where your friend got the bear at? I think that would be great for micah and possibly help him stay asleep in his own bed! he will sleep through the night as long as he is next to me or josh! ugh
The website is - and then the tab for hot hugs. They have several different animals to choose from. They are stinkin cute.
Yay Mindy, thanks so much for posting pics of Gracelyn with her new Lamby friend! I hope she grows to hate him less, haha. I love the punching him in the chin pic! I hope you kids have a great week!
The post is great and understandable! These are the days of motherhood. Can you imagine what it would be like if you did work full time? I can't even imagine.
And I will be keeping that family in our prayers. How sad, very, very sad for them. You are right, that we cannot even pretend to know what they are feeling!
Thanks for the post and the video clips! It is so fun to see Gracelyn growing and changing with each new picture and each time we spend on Skype. I love seeing her. Can't wait to get my hands on her in July.
love you and love your hair, by the way. Couldn't tell a whole lot on Skype tonight, but did notice it! Just didn't get the chance to say it! I love you all.
Your lonely Piggy ):
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