I have never been very good at being able to see the resemblence of babies to their parents and until now I have had a hard time discerning who Gracelyn looks like. My mom sent a few pictures of me as a baby. What do you think? Can you see me in her? It's actually kind of crazy to me how much we look alike. How cool! It will be fun to see if she takes on more of her daddy as she grows up. I love my baby girl.
that is crazy!!
Hey Mindy just wanted to say it is great that you have a blog. Now we can stay up to date with what is going on in all of your lives just by reading this. Hopefully we will get to see Gracelyn soon it has been crazy busy for us looking for a job. Hope to see you seen.
Josh Monda
I knew she reminded me of someone!!?!
She is beautiful, no matter who she looks like. I do love the picture of Pops with you and then with Gracelyn!
However, Trent cannot deny her as I see glimpes of him in her eyes! She is truly her daddy's girl. And those feet!
She is certainly God's gift to us!
Love you all, Piggy
Love the new blog design!! She does look like her momma:) She is sooooo beautiful, and we can't wait to see and hold her!!!!!
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