8. Gracelyn waking up. I think she will be a pure grump as she gets older when it comes to waking up from a good sleep. It usually takes her quite a while to wake up and she is full of grunts and groans and yells out now and then. It's quite endearing.
9. Her smile. It's hard to catch a pic of her smiling because it's usually here and gone quickly. But it's priceless when you get a glimpse of how content and happy she is. She most often smiles after nursing and sometimes I swear she even giggles. It's one of those things that I will probably never capture outside of my memory. It's one of those many gifts that comes with being the one who gets to hold her during the middle of the night.
10. One of my last favorite things about Gracelyn Mae is that she belongs in our family. She's just a perfect fit and I am so grateful to get to be her mommy. Even when she cries in the middle of the night and I am so tired...even when she needs me to hold her and I haven't met my self-imposed goal of getting a shower by noon...even when she wakes up when I lay her down in her crib and then she cuddles right up next to me in bed and falls into deep sleep without a single peep...in all of these moments I count it a privilege to be her Mommy. The other day we were sitting together and listening to a Plumb song called Me. It's a beautiful song that perfectly describes how dependent a baby can be on mama.
I haven't had/A chance to sleep/And when I wake/I wake with your dreams/I guess my pillow/Holds some kind of key/To your peace/Your peace/Me/I wouldn't trade your love for all the candy/In this great big world/Me/I feel so crazy blessed and oh so lucky/To be the place you go/When you need to feel safe/When you need a kiss/It's meI haven't showered/And I tried to eat/But all your tears/Oh they needed me/I need some time, some time to think/But then I hear you/And what you need is...Me/I wouldn't trade your love for all the candy/In this great big world/Me/I feel so crazy blessed and oh so lucky/To be the place you go/I wash your face/To make room for/All the kisses/Of tomorrow/And every day/That I get to Be here with you/Is sweet/Me/I wouldn't trade your love for all the candy/In this great big world/Me/I feel so crazy blessed and oh so lucky/To be the place you go/When you need to feel safe/When you need a kiss/Oh don't be afraid/Cause what you'll have is....Me
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
I love the pictures. There are some new ones that are great! I love the one where she is in the green shirt and the one above it. They are great!
She is growing so fast! Her little retro outfit makes her look older as well.
Thanks for sharing so many good times and I am also so thankful that Gracelyn has parents who first love God and follow him and then will train in His love! Such a joy for me! These are special times.
what amazing pictures and video - I can't get over her dark features, shes so gorgeous! I also cannot believe how pretty your backyard is and the picture your mom took - wow, what a peaceful place! I listened to that Plumb song online, its great! Miss you guys, hope to catch you on Skype soon.
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